
The Dreamtime:
Also known as Tjukurrpa or the Essence of the World, “The Dreamtime,” is the the animist framework, symbol system, and oral history tradition of Australian Aboriginal Peoples (politically correct way to address them) and Torres Strait Islander Peoples mythology. It’s also the way they organize their understanding of the world, its creation, and its greatest stories. This encompasses the belief that Reality is actually a dream that we are all collectively dreaming.
In this immersion, we will be threading together both ancient and modern Aboriginal thought on life, spirituality, creation, dreams, the human psyche, culture, art, music, and tradition. Most of their cultural history was passed down via oral traditions such as storytelling, song and dance which we will be learning a few ourselves, as well as working out our own creative perspectives through art, music, and more.
We will be also be learning about how Aboriginal Peoples use art and music as spiritual expression. Over the weekend we will be building Didgeridoos and Bullroarers by the fire and learning how to play them.
You will receive an Immersion Course Curriculum with all of the things you will be learning throughout the weekend with course information which also includes reputable resources, indigenous societies to get more involved with, and a list of trusted advisers to deepen your spiritual knowledge and understanding or answer any of your questions. (This event is limited to 20 participants)
Workshops and Curriculum Includes:

The Dreamtime: What is Reality?
Psychological Archetypes in Aboriginal Spirituality
Cultural Competence for First Nations Peoples of Australia: Aboriginals and Torres Strait Island Peoples
Indigenous Instrument Building Workshop: History of the Didgeridoos & Bullroarers
Indigenous Storytelling : Then and Now
Cultural History & Societal Conflicts
Understanding Mimis and the Dzunukwa
Indigenous Art Appreciation and Art Worshop
Yoga and Wellness Walkabout
Course comes with reputable Resources, & list of trusted advisers for historical education or spirituality (This one has multiple sources and been helped written from The University of Sydney and the National Centre for Cultural Competence- NCCC courses on Aboriginal Culture. )

Come learn about the world, find out more about yourself, and see how we are all connected one way or another! We believe the whole world is tied together via story, song, and artistic expression. Every culture throughout history has come up with it’s version of how to explain the world and how we all got here, so in this cultural exploration, we dive deep into the roots of the natives of Australia with the help of our Aussie peers, multiple societies including the NCCC, The University of Sydney, and other reputable sources.
Our Cultural Immersions are designed to bring awareness, knowledge, and reverence to cultures across the world from a well researched and non-biased opinion to the best of our ability! We thread together multi-cultural histories, proverbs, stories, songs, dances, art, stories of creation, and spirituality to show how alike we all are. When we find the common threads throughout culture we find meaning and understanding. (I can’t lie though- I lived in Australia for a few years and I LOVED IT! It is a one of a kind culture for sure, but still extremely relative to many others through their practices. So this has been a really fun course to create and have the time to research deeper and share. I’ll still try to stay non biased though and teach from a historical and comparative standpoint! Ha!)
This event is held at our funky family friendly farm and Holistic Bed & Breakfast deep in the woods of Lakemont GA, called Archaic Roots Monolithic Dome Home & Farm. A peaceful and free spirited 3.4 acre healing forest, packed full with multi-cultural fun! Feel free to play some of our indigenous instruments, build a faerie home in the woods, snuggle up with one of our therapeutic bunnies, or even find a fire-pit or outdoor altar that’s calling your name, and go relax by it- there’s plenty to explore and do around here! Camping on the grounds is free and indoor accommodations are available upon request or through Airbnb on the links below. We also allow some folks to sleep Thai Slumber Style inside the dome in common areas for donation based, just bring sleeping gear or an air mattress, and we’ll make room! The dome is two levels and there’s lots of space.
All food is done as “Bring & Share,” where we all bring a little something and make magic happen in the kitchen or over the fire! If you have dietary restrictions you are more than welcome to bring your own private food supply. Anything is fine to bring, it never fails! This builds a really fun connection We will also email a list of Bring & Share Suggestions in your registration email to make it easier. Can’t wait to connect!
Airbnb Links for our Guest Room and Primitive Artist Cabin
See you in the woods!
William and Amy (Click for Bios)
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