Starting Monday, May 22nd & Every Monday After- 7:30-8:30 Join Melody Lightheart for her Vibrational Soundscape with the Gongs, Bowls and other Alchemical instruments! +++DONATION BASED EVENT+++ Relax, meditate, reprogram and daydream ourselves into a positive outlook on life! As you are encompassed by soothing and stimulating sounds, allow them to reduce stress, clear blocks, and serve as a reset – so that you may embody your highest potential and allow in all that is good! This session welcomes you to utilize and incorporate an array of transformative sounds into your meditation and bowl’dly exchange fear and procrastination for courage and productivity in any area of your life!
Vibrational Sound Therapy has Measurable Health Benefits. Sound tools such as the gong, singing bowls, drums, bells, crystal singing pyramids, tuning forks and more, create harmonious and meditative, medicinal music – facilitating restorative deep relaxation, enhanced clarity, increased vitality, stress reduction/lowering cortisol, reduction of inflammation, boosts endorphins/mood enhancement, lowers blood pressure as much as 5 points, lowers heart rate and slows the pulse, assists in sleep pattern regulation, effective therapy for post traumatic stress, and balances brain chemistry/sympathetic branch and parasympathetic branch.
It also greatly helps us to tune into a place of inner peace, clear stored-up blockages and release heavy energy – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The ancients used Vibrational Sound Therapy for upliftment, healing, meditation, ceremony and many community-oriented events. They taught that different sounds form different patterns – creating shapes, sizes and densities that manifest all around us. They saw sound as the most influential vibration known to man and a power that could be harnessed to create positive change.
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